Paige received her 200hr yoga certification in 2018 when Roots was Sumits! Since then she has completed YoFlow and Corepower Sculpt certifications. She still loves to teach the Hot 60 the most, as that’s what she started with and what she fell in love with as a student. She started practicing yoga in college but it wasn’t until she found the Sumits practice nine years ago, that she fell in love with hot yoga and never looked back. Yoga has taught her to quiet her mind and truly take care of herself. Once she started practicing multiple styles of yoga regularly, she really began to feel the difference in the way her body felt and moved, as well.
These days Paige spends the majority of her time working at yoga studios and taking care of her dog, Ben. She loves to head to Mount Lemmon when she has the chance and is always looking for her next adventure, near or far! She is so grateful for her yoga family and community and loves the flexibility that comes with being a yoga teacher!